Dear Young Explorer | Fernanda Meier

Dear Young Explorer,

Uncertainty is a bag of mixed feelings: anxiety, fear of the unknown, disappointment. But there is another feeling that doesn't get talked about enough: hope for the future. Buried under a mountain of doubt is a nugget of optimism that whatever happens next might be my new favorite thing, and that is the feeling I cling to. So much so, that phrase is what I named my morning alarm.

For as long as I can remember, the idea of travel has buoyed me more than anything, and even as our dreams of trans-Atlantic flights and new cultures are put on hold, I feel inspired to make my list of dream destinations even longer. Who’s to say that when the world is reborn, our travel opportunities won’t be bigger, and better than ever? 

The first time I got on a plane, I was too young to understand what “emigrating to America” meant. All I knew was that when we landed, it was literally and figuratively a whole new world. The feeling of uncertainty I felt as a child has evolved into wondering what impossible new adventure awaits me on the other side of doubt. 

What comforts me in this time is imagining all the possibilities while I browse through travel stories, read essays, and watch documentaries of different places. It may not be when we want, but it will come in due time. Sit with that. Dream on that. And then, dream bigger. 

It is completely understandable that right now feels like punishment or purgatory, and it’s okay to not be okay. But when you feel like now is the worst time you’ve ever had, or when it seems like you won’t get through it, think back to all the “worst times” you’ve survived before, and reflect on how you persisted and made it to this moment, right now. Then, try to focus on the things in your sphere of your control, and let everything else fade away — you’ll realize that the feeling of powerlessness will fade, as well.

As we wait for the next chapter, root yourself in mental and physical spaces you can grow in, and focus your energies there. Make every effort to take account of the areas where you have power — no matter how small you think they are — and nurture them. Do you write? Do you sing? Do you draw? Are you able to style clothing or interiors? Do you have a green thumb and a home full of plants? Channel your creativity and create a dream book or a vision board that will give you a daily visual reminder of all the great things you bring to the world, and be ready to spread your wings when the time comes. Young Explorer, when you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready. Here’s to catching flights and feelings. 


Fernanda Meier

