Dear Young Explorer | David Hirsch

Dear Young Explorer,

Looking out the window from my aisle seat as the countryside flew by, the high-speed train finally came to a halt and stopped. “Next stop – Sevilla” could be heard over the loudspeaker. From the steady flow of passengers exiting, I assumed that this was my stop and proceeded to grab my bags and exit, hoping that I would somehow find the individual tasked with picking me up at the station. 

To say that I was nervous would be an understatement. At the same time, I was also incredibly excited. I couldn’t wait for this new adventure to begin. It was March of 1998 and I had just decided to not only quit my job, but also move to a foreign country without knowing a word of the language or a single soul there. Was I crazy? If you had then asked my parents or friends, the answer would have been a unanimous yes!

Before long I was in a car being whisked off to meet my host family. The coordinator who had picked me up was an extremely outgoing fellow who seemed to be speaking Spanish at a breakneck pace. I tried to explain that I had absolutely no idea of the language, but he seemed happy to continue speaking, laughing and smiling. I did what anybody else who has been in this situation would do – I shook my head in unison and smiled. 

Walking into the apartment that would serve as my homestay for the following three months, the onslaught of Spanish continued. First my entire homestay family, then roommate – my head was spinning. No worries! I left my stuff and headed out with my newfound friend to explore. I was immediately introduced to a group of locals who were loud in conversation, eating and drinking. I soon realized that my friend had something important in common with this group – they all spoke Spanish at a breakneck pace! How was I ever going to understand this language? 

Now a fluent speaker, over twenty years later, I have never stopped exploring. Thinking back to that day always makes me laugh and smile. Essentially, I never left the country. In Spain, I found a community of individuals, a certain identity, as well as a culture that spoke to me on a different level. This was not my plan, but it’s now my life. And I couldn’t be happier. Like anything in life, it has not always been roses, but it has given me an appreciation for my life here and back in the U.S. It has given me added insight into myself and others. It has fostered a deepened sense of compassion and empathy in this globalized world, where sometimes all it takes is a grand scale crisis to remind us that we all share the same fate.

As director of Centro MundoLengua’s middle/high school programs in the U.S., I am fortunate to connect with many extraordinary students embarking on the same path that I once followed years ago. My greatest pleasure comes from seeing how travel changes perspectives and ultimately changes lives. Of all the investments that I have made over time, investing in travel is the one that has never disappointed. It’s the only investment where the dividends and rewards come tax-free. 

For some time now, we have been seeking to partner with an organization that could provide these types of life-changing opportunities to deserving, hard-working students. We are thrilled to have met Lamar (a former student of ours!) and come into contact with Teens of Color Abroad. Both as a corporate and personal mission, it is our priority to foster a community of inclusion, where providing opportunities for a diverse group of students is primordial. We are excited beyond words and hope that you as well are as excited to begin this journey of language and cultural immersion, and personal discovery, with us. Next stop – Spain…the world…who knows…it’s really up to you. What will your story be?


David Hirsch

Director, Centro MundoLengua

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