Dear Young Explorer | Maraina Montgomery

My Dear Young Explorer:

I am so glad that this message has reached you, especially under the unprecedented circumstances that we face as an entire global community. How are you and what are your thoughts about everything happening in the community and around the world? Are you concerned, upset or disappointed? Maybe you are relieved or at peace.  However you are feeling, it is your right, so just let your emotions flow through you and out. 

It feels like the world has been turned-upside-down and frozen as we count the days, weeks and months “sheltering in place” and at a distance from those we know and love most. I encourage you to lean into this abnormal way of living and embrace the adjustment that it requires of you to assimilate into a new cultural norm. This exercise will serve you moving forward in your globally connected future. But do remain confident that the sun will come out tomorrow!  And when it does, I know you will be more ready than ever- with your traveling bags packed! 

You will be ready to say “Hello, how are you?” and “Nice to meet you” in the languages of far off places you have dreamed of, google searched, YouTube video explored and Duo Lingo app prepared to visit and learn from.

You will be ready to taste the real version of the Spanish Tortilla, Dominican tostones, Ghanaian okra stew, Korean bibimbap and Peruvian chicken after having spent this time in the kitchen, trying out foreign recipes and adapting them to your persona and local taste.

You will be ready to sit quietly next to elderly grandpas and grandmas on buses and park benches, to give energetic high-fives to the uniformed school kids you pass at colorful playgrounds and to tip more generously than culturally required at local coffee shops, watering holes and family owned restaurants. You will feel more excited and generous having saved extra coins during your current moment of stillness.  

Young Explorer, you are nearly ready to be in and a part of the world for countless reasons, just as soon as the world is once again ready for you. Having had this COVID related opportunity to adjust to a new “upside-down” cultural norm has given you the time to decide on, design and create what it will look, feel and be like when you are introduced to the future version of yourself. There is no time like the present, to identify (with less distraction) what matters most and to live with simply the immediate necessities. Those you have chosen to connect with virtually, what you have elected to do with your imagination, the topics you have freely gravitated toward learning more about and the thoughts your subconscious mind has allowed to reach consciousness all tell you who you truly are at your core. These skills, talents and gifts are what you have to offer the NEW world that is patiently awaiting you.

Young Explorer, you are your ancestors greatest dreams. Your resilience, authenticity, grace and genuine determination to understand the unknown is what the future you is waiting to contribute to the collective project of helping the world turn right-side-up again.

In the midst of the now, I encourage you to continue to get ready to experience the future, when the sun comes out tomorrow.

Globally Yours,

Maraina Montgomery

Assistant Director, Study Abroad

Howard University

@raina_worldwide (Twitter)

@raina_montgomery (IG) 
